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Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

She's better than superhero.

Why i say ' she's better than superhero?' You know who is she? SHE'S MY MOM! Yeah i think she's better than superhero. why? Because she take care of me. She's not ordinary, SHE'S SPECIAL! She can be everything i want but....... i cant be everything she want. I cant describe how carefully my mom because she's really care to me and my brother, yep she's daughter and son. I cant stop loving her because she's always in my heart and my mind. I think you're different. Yep different mom in this world. I'm sorry if i have a mistake for you, I'm sorry if sometimes make you angry. I know if you angry it mean you love me. I am sorry if until now i never make you proud. I really really want to make you proud but not now, sometimes maybe. Sometimes you'll see how success i am. I want too say ' I Love you mom ' but i cant! too shy to say that.
In the night, i sleep, i dream and in my dream i see a beautiful angel. You know who?THAT'S YOU MOM!.
I dont want to lose you mom. I wanna see you in my future, if i success.

I LOVE YOU MOM more than you think.

Hm why i write this?because today is Mother's day. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!


*hope my mom read it:b

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